Monday, January 25, 2010


Saints WON

THe Winning 40 Yard Feild Goal

I think this is the most expression I have seen in his I LIKE IT!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

babies fire trucks and puppets

Nick and Ryleigh at the Puppet show New Fire Truck

Trent 7 months old

Trying on Emma Easter Dress

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Noahs Flight Carrie Ark

Nick made his little version of Noahs
very pretty son :P

Feeding her baby

REading Bob the Builder @ the Library

Emmas First visit to the library (well she has been ...but when she was a little baby)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Kids Bathroom is DOne!

Its Bright....But I LOVE IT!


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Doctors, Best Friends & More Paint!

Missed a couple of days....oh well Here are few from the past few Days....ill get back on Track on Monday.
Jeff Painted the Kids Bathroom today....I think orange is a good color for a kids bathroom...Dont you?? Specially when its done in Rubber Duckies :)
Wal Mart Has kids Figured out...As you can see in the next two Pictures....Low sinks and somewhere to sit my baby :) im happy!

SHe was liking that chair....she has a thing for chairs ?? lol

Nick and his Best friend Ryleigh ....I tell you if they get married one day we will have The coolest Scrapbook of there life together :)

Emma Lou Before her shots (@ her 15 mo. Check up) :( She wasnt so happy Afterwards.... but she is 22LBS, 32 in. Long and her head is 18 1/2 in. THe doctor calls her a perfectly heathly baby!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Playdough THOMAS!!

I made a Hotdog and French frys for Nick.....
Then he asked me to make Thomas....this was my

He wanted me to take his picture with his "creation" :)

Playing so sweet together. Melts my Heart :) (serously what is it with me and the smileys today??)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Helping Hands :)

I went over to my Best friend Tammys house today to help Put the border up and decorate her daughter newly added on room. LOoks Cute huh??
The kids were pertty good at keeping themselves entertained....They were on a "mystery" lol

My beautiful Godson Trent :)

Emma Lou....shes growing up so fast...I think its the old navy jeans that make little girls look much older than they are! lol

and one last shot of little trenty poo!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Finally Got outside to play was still cold but not as cold as it has been :)
Nick & Emma Love there new play ground!!

Nick says " Look out below!"

My little Pretty!